1.      [COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] cloth, especially when it is used for making things such as clothes or curtains


*plain/patterned/floral fabric


a wide range of furnishing fabrics


2.      [SINGULAR] the basic structure of a society or organization


*fabric of: Small shops help to maintain the fabric of neighborhood life.


the fabric of society: Drug abuse poses a major threat to the fabric of society.


Thesaurus entry for this meaning of fabric


3.[SINGULAR] the roof and walls of a building


*fabric of: The fabric of the building has deteriorated badly.



Straits(n.) /streɪt/

a narrow area of water that joins two larger areas of water




Frontier(n.) /frʌnˈtɪr/


1.      [COUNTABLE] a border between two countries, especially one with official points where people or vehicles cross


*frontier between: the frontier between Israel and Lebanon


*frontier with: Italy’s frontier with Switzerland


*on/at the frontier: troops massing at the frontier


a. [COUNTABLE] [USUALLY SINGULAR] the outer edge of a country or area that is the farthest point where people have started to live and build towns


Thesaurus entry for this meaning of frontier


b. [SINGULAR] the western edge of the U.S. that Europeans had reached in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries


c. [ONLY BEFORE NOUN] on or relating to a frontier


frontier controls


a frontier town


frontier post (=official place for crossing): Armed police manned the frontier post.




2.      [COUNTABLE] [USUALLY PLURAL] the most advanced or recent ideas about something


*the frontiers of knowledge/science/technology: Their work was on the frontiers of science.


*extend/push back the frontiers (=discover more): We are dedicated to experimentation, to pushing back the frontiers.




Medieval (a.) /ˌmidiˈiv(ə)l/


relating to the period of European history between about the year 1000 a.d. and the year 1500


a medieval church/castle/building


*medieval times


She has a degree in medieval history.


INFORMAL very old-fashioned


His ideas about women are positively medieval!




Secular(a.) /ˈsekjələr/


not religious, or not connected with religion


He was the first of the country’s secular rulers.


religious and secular matters




Practical (a.) /ˈpræktɪk(ə)l/


involving or relating to real situations and events


Applicants for the job must have at least three years of practical experience.


Unfortunately Carter’s research has no practical use.


*Collocations: practical


▪  advice, application, importance, purpose, significance, solution, use


making sensible decisions and choices, especially the types of decisions and choices that you have to make every day


Despite their wealth, they were always practical about money.


a practical attitude to marriage


a.likely to solve a problem or deal successfully with a situation


I can trust you to come up with a practical solution to the problem.


3.intended to be useful or appropriate, not just fashionable or attractive


I need a practical hairstyle that’s easy to care for.


*a practical car for the family


4. able to make repairs or do things with your hands in a skillful way


We aren’t very practical so we usually hire someone to do the major repairs.




Aqueduct (N.) /ˈækwəˌdʌkt/


a structure like a bridge that takes water across a valley




Federation (n.) /ˌfedəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/


1.a country made up of individual states with the power to make their own decisions, but with a national government responsible for areas such as foreign policy and defense


*the Russian Federation


2.a large organization made up of several smaller organizations or groups that share similar aims


*the International Tennis Federation




Presence (n.) /ˈprezəns/


1.[UNCOUNTABLE] the existence of someone or something in a particular place


Mr. Reese didn’t even acknowledge my presence.


*the presence of: a device for detecting the presence of submarines


2.[SINGULAR/UNCOUNTABLE] an impressive appearance, or an impressive way of *behaving or speaking


He was a man of tremendous presence.


3.[SINGULAR] workers or products that a company has in a particular place


The Japanese have established a strong presence in the industry.


Acquiring this company will strengthen our presence in Europe.


a.      a group of people, especially soldiers or the police, who are in a place for a particular purpose


We intend to maintain a presence in the country until there is peace.


*military/police presence: There is still a large U.S. military presence in the region.


4.[COUNTABLE] [USUALLY SINGULAR] a person or spirit that you cannot see but that you feel is with you in a place


*an evil presence




Predecessors (n.) /ˈpredəˌsesər/


1.the person who had a job or official position before someone else


Algood seems to have learned nothing from the faults of his predecessors.


2.something that has been replaced by another thing


The plan, like its two predecessors, had little chance to prove itself.




Monument (n.) /ˈmɑnjəmənt/


a structure built in a public place to celebrate an important person or event


*monument to: a monument to those who died in the attack


2.a place of historical importance, for example an old building


*ancient/historic monuments




Quality (n.) /ˈkwɑləti/


[COUNTABLE] a feature of a substance or material


the addictive qualities of tobacco


a.      a feature of a person’s character, especially when it is a positive one such as honesty, kindness, or a special ability


What is the quality you most admire in others?


*leadership qualities (=the ability to be a good leader): a woman with strong *leadership qualities


b. a feature of a place


a city of unique qualities


2.[COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] the quality of something is how good or bad it is


This cut in funding will adversely affect the quality of education in our schools.


*high/good/top quality: The food is top quality.


*poor/bad quality: poor-quality workmanship


a. [UNCOUNTABLE] a high standard


a company with a reputation for quality and reliability




Gravitas (n.) /ˈɡrævɪˌtɑs/


a serious and impressive attitude or way of behaving




Manliness(a.) /ˈmænli/


typical of the way that a man is traditionally expected to behave, especially by being strong and brave




Adaptability(a.) /əˈdæptəb(ə)l/


adaptable people can change their behavior or ideas easily in order to deal with new situations


We need adaptable workers who are willing to learn new skills.


a.      adaptable things can be used in different situations or for different purposes


adaptable office furniture


Most people want insurance policies that are adaptable to changing circumstances.




Versatility (a.) /ˈvɜrsət(ə)l/


able to be used in many different ways


This versatile summer jacket is a great buy.


2.having a wide range of different skills and abilities


Baldwin was a very versatile writer.


one of the cinema’s most versatile and sought-after actors




Civic(a.) /ˈsɪvɪk/


relating to a town or city, especially to its government and public activities


Civic leaders are delighted at the decision to hold the national competition in Atlanta.


a.      relating to the people who live in a town or city or the duties and responsibilities that they have as citizens


The study showed that most teens felt little sense of civic pride or responsibility.




Metrical(a.) /ˈmetrɪk(ə)l/


relating to the patterns of sounds and rhythms in poetry


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