

1.a piece of wood with a flame at one end that is used to give light


a. a tool with a flame at one end that is used for joining pieces of metal together or removing paint


2.BRITISH a flashlight






if something foreshadows a future event, it shows or gives a warning that it will happen


The storms and rains of that year foreshadowed a long period of unstable weather conditions.






all the people in your family






1.      ECONOMICS to get money for public services and other government institutions by putting a tax on something


Child care for working mothers should not be taxed.


government plans to tax private schools


a.      to get money by making someone pay a tax


Couples may choose to be taxed as two single persons.


2.FORMAL to cause problems, or to make things difficult for someone


The crowds have severely taxed the security services.


Having to repeat things constantly can really tax your patience.






to make someone do something by using force or threats


He claims he was coerced into admitting his guilt.






someone who is in charge of the money that belongs to an organization






to officially leave an organization. This word is used especially about a state or region that chooses to become independent and govern itself.






1.relating to an empire (=the rule of one country over several other countries)


imperial power/expansion/domination


Britain’s imperial past


a.      relating to an emperor or empress who is the ruler of an empire


the imperial family/court


an imperial decree


2.MATH relating to a system of measurement in which weight is measured in pounds, length is measured in feet, and volume is measured in pints


See also  metric






1.a long trip organized for a particular purpose, especially to a dangerous or distant place


*expedition to: the 1910 expedition to Antarctica led by Captain Scott


*make/mount/undertake an expedition: We are hoping to mount the first manned expedition to Mars by 2020.


*on an expedition: She died while on an expedition to Peru to study nocturnal mammals.


a. a group of people who go on an expedition


The expedition successfully reached the top of Mt. Everest.


2.a short trip somewhere, especially for pleasure


We plan to go on a shopping expedition.


2.      a long journey made by soldiers in order to attack a particular place or group of people


Rumors spread amongst the rebels that a massive punitive expedition against them was being prepared.






1.shaped like a triangle


a triangular flag


2.involving three different people, countries, etc.


a triangular tournament






1.shocking in a way that frightens or upsets you


She had a ghastly expression on her face.


2.very bad or unpleasant


a really ghastly wine




Securely(a.) from attack, harm, or damage


Make your home more secure with our burglar alarm system.


*secure from: The computer system is secure from intruders.


*secure against: No store can be completely secure against theft.


a. a secure situation or job is safe and reliable


The union contract guarantees secure jobs.


She wanted a job with a more secure future.


He believed in putting his money into conservative but secure investments.


Thesaurus entry for this meaning of secure


2.feeling confident and safe


The important thing is that children feel secure about being loved.


a.      in a situation where you do not need to worry


financially secure: Everyone wants to be financially secure in retirement.


Thesaurus entry for this meaning of secure


3.fastened firmly, in a safe way


Make sure the pictures are secure.


4.a secure area or building is guarded so that only specific people can enter or leave it


Only accredited journalists are permitted in the secure area.






showing that you are very pleased or excited about a victory or success


a triumphant smile/laugh/yell


a.      a triumphant event is one in which someone has been successful or has won a victory


The president made a triumphant return.


a triumphant performance




She emerged triumphant in every movie.




Revalue(v.) increase the official value of a nation’s money calculate the value of something again in order to give it a higher value


We need to revalue the stock options.






1.[COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] a situation in which people completely change their government or political system, usually by force


the French/Russian Revolution


a group committed to promoting revolution


2.[COUNTABLE] a sudden or major change, especially in ideas or methods


a sexual/cultural revolution


*revolution in: A revolution in information technology is taking place.


3.[COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] the movement of something in a circle around something else, either once or continuously


the revolution of the Earth around the Sun


a.      [COUNTABLE] one complete turn made by something moving in a circle around a fixed point


Engine speed is measured in revolutions per minute.






trying to find out the truth about something


probing questions






an inherent quality is a basic or essential feature that gives something its character


The design of the building had inherent weaknesses.


*inherent in: What are the long-term risks and dangers inherent in this kind of work?






1.wearing no clothes


2.used for describing wood that has been cleaned by removing a layer of something, for example paint, from its surface


stripped pine floors






[UNCOUNTABLE] the fact of being not relevant


The irrelevance of his replies indicated that he wasn’t listening.


a.      [COUNTABLE] something that is not important or necessary to a particular situation or subject


To many younger people, the monarchy had become an irrelevance.






1.involving new, different, or exciting ideas


the imaginative use of computers in the classroom


problems that may require more imaginative solutions


*very/highly imaginative: They suggested some very imaginative ways of reducing costs.


a. used about someone who has new, different, or exciting ideas


He was more imaginative than most history teachers.


2.involving the use of your imagination


imaginative play/writing




formulate(v.) develop a plan, system, or proposal carefully, thinking about all of its details


The government is formulating a new strategy to combat crime.


He formulated a plan to improve the team’s performance.


2. [OFTEN PASSIVE] to prepare a product by combining substances or chemicals in the right amounts


The milk is specially formulated for babies. express an idea or opinion in a careful organized way


It took her a moment to formulate a reply.


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