

behaving in a way that is very controlled and not natural






to spread through the whole of something and become a very obvious feature of it


A strange sour smell pervaded the air.


Death is the theme that now pervades his poetry.






1.      someone who works on another person’s farm or on their own small farm. This word is used mainly about people in poor countries or people in history


The majority of the population are landless peasants.


a peasant woman/farmer/household


2.      OFFENSIVE an insulting word for someone who does not know how to behave well in social situations or who is badly educated






rich enough to buy things for pleasure


a.      used about a place where people have a lot of money


an affluent area of Dallas






a way of life that does not include any sexual activity, especially for religious reasons


The young monks took vows of chastity and obedience.






1.      used for emphasizing what you are saying, especially how strong or severe something is


Publishing has become a fiercely competitive industry.


2.      in a fierce way






1.      someone who will receive money, property, or a title when another person dies


a real estate heir


*heir to: Hesketh was the heir to a grocery fortune.


*heir to the throne (=the next king or queen): Richard was now heir to the throne of the Angevin Empire.


2.the next person to have a particular job or to continue someone’s work or ideas


*heir to: the heirs to Mussolini’s fascist regime






1.      MATH using or relating to the metric system of measurements


a metric ton


2.      LITERATURE metrical




Underlie (v.)


to be the real or basic cause of or reason for something


What really underlies most heart disease?


The safety of children underlies all our decisions.






1.      a small group of people who have a lot of advantages and keep the most power and influence


the elites of wealth and power


*political/legal/social elite: members of the political elite


2. the best or most skillful people in a group


Only a small elite among mountaineers can climb these routes.






1.      [UNCOUNTABLE] a situation in which someone is deliberately prevented from being involved in an activity or from entering a place


*exclusion of: Washington is annoyed at the exclusion of U.S. troops from the area.


*exclusion from: He was really irritated at his exclusion from the conference.


2. [COUNTABLE] something that is deliberately not included


You are protected against most illnesses, with one or two exclusions.


3.[COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] BRITISH a child’s expulsion or suspension from school






willing to make other people suffer so that you can achieve your goals


a ruthless dictator/killer


She showed a ruthless determination to succeed in her career.






1.      imperialist or imperialistic wanting to take control of other countries


2.      relating to imperialism






1.      confident and not afraid of people


I was feeling bold, so I went ahead and asked him for more money.


One bird was bold enough to come and peck crumbs from the table.


a.      involving a risk


a bold move/step: In a bold move to try to cut pollution, the city council has banned open fires.


a bold statement/assertion: They issued a bold statement calling for an immediate end to nuclear testing.


2.      very bright, clear, or strong in color and therefore easy to notice


a shirt with bold blue and yellow stripes


Babies like bold colors.


a.      using clear strong letters or lines


Her name was written on the envelope in bold black letters.


b.      FORMAL printed using darker or thicker letters than other printed letters


*in bold type (=printing using bold type): The most important items are listed in bold type.






1.      [COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] pressure caused by a difficult situation


*a strain on something: This war will put a great strain on the economy.


*the strain of something: I can’t take the strain of another move.


a. physical effort or pressure


*under strain: All that lifting is putting his back under severe strain.


b. mental pressure or worry


*under strain: Eleanor was feeling overworked and under strain.


2. [COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] an injury caused by twisting or stretching a muscle too much


a thigh strain


3.      [COUNTABLE] a particular type of animal, insect, or plant


*strain of: a strain of human flu virus


4. [COUNTABLE] a particular aspect of someone’s character or feelings


*strain of: There’s a strain of meanness that runs in their family.


5. strains [PLURAL] LITERARY the sound of some music






a strong feeling of respect and admiration for someone or something


They spoke of the old man with reverence.


*reverence for: a reverence for tradition






1.      an extremely small piece or amount of something


dust particles


*particle of: tiny particles of food


There’s not a particle of evidence to support his story.


2.      SCIENCE an extremely small piece of matter that is part of an atom, for example an electron, proton, or neutron


3.      LINGUISTICS an adverb or preposition used with a verb to form a phrasal verb. For example in the sentence “He quickly put on his clothes,” “on” is a particle.






someone who has less power or authority than someone else


He never won the respect of his subordinates.






violence or extreme force


the ferocity of the attack






1.      to be gradually destroyed as a result of a natural process of change


As dead plants decay, they release mineral salts into the soil.


2.      if a building or an area decays, its state gradually gets worse because it has not been taken care of


3.      to become gradually worse in quality, or weaker in power or influence






1.      coming from outside a place or organization


sources of external financing


a bureaucracy that is too vulnerable to external pressure


Thesaurus entry for this meaning of external


a.      involving countries other than your own


the commissioner for external affairs


our country’s external debt


2.      on or from the outside of something such as a building or someone’s body


external doors/walls


her external appearance






1.      relating to a style of speaking or writing that is effective or intended to influence people


2.      written or spoken in a way that is impressive but is not honest


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