Engage (v.)  /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/

[TRANSITIVE] FORMAL to attract and keep someone’s interest or attention

     A good radio script should be able to engage the listener.

(engage in)

Collision (n.)  /kəˈlɪʒ(ə)n/

1.      an accident in which a person or vehicle that is moving crashes into something

There was a collision between the French and German boats.

2.      a very serious argument

Protracted (a.)  /prəˈtræktəd/

Continuing for a long time, especially longer than is normal or necessary


Defect(n.)  /ˈdiˌfekt/

A fault in someone or something

     There are a few minor design defects.

(defect to)


Emerge (v.)  /ɪˈmɜrdʒ/

1.      to come out of something or out from behind something

emerge from:  After a few weeks, the caterpillar emerges from its cocoon.

2.      to stop being involved in a difficult situation or period of time

3.      to become known


profound (a.)  /prəˈfaʊnd/

1.      very great

     a profound change in the climate of the Earth

2.      showing serious thought and wise ideas

3.      very severe

4.      LITERARY deep


Sophisticated (a.)   /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtəd/

1.      knowing and understanding a lot about a complicated subject

Consumers are getting more sophisticated and more demanding.

Ten-year-olds can have a highly sophisticated grasp of morality.

2.      complicated and advanced in design

highly sophisticated surveillance equipment

3.      knowing a lot about things such as culture, fashion, and the modern world

She was elegant and sophisticated.

sophisticated dinner-table conversation


Intensify (v.)  /ɪnˈtensɪˌfaɪ/

if something intensifies, or if you intensify it, it becomes greater, stronger, or more extreme

More weapons arrived in the area, and fighting intensified soon afterward.

Economic conditions intensified the pressure on industry to raise prices.


Permeate (v.)  /ˈpɜrmiˌeɪt/

1.      [TRANSITIVE] if an attitude or feeling permeates something, you can feel or see its influence clearly in every part of that thing

A sense of deep loss permeates Frost’s poetry.

2.      [INTRANSITIVE/TRANSITIVE] if gas, liquid, or a smell permeates something, it    spreads into and through every part of it

The unpleasant odor permeated every room.

permeate through/into:  Water had permeated into the old walls.


Manifestation (n.)  /ˌmænɪfəˈsteɪʃ(ə)n/

1.      [COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] evidence that something exists or is present

manifestation of:  The demonstrations were a manifestation of the people’s discontent.

The manifestation of arthritis in young people calls for immediate treatment.

2.      [COUNTABLE] an occasion when a ghost or spirit appears


Aristocrat (n.)  /əˈrɪstəˌkræt/

a member of the aristocracy


Accumulate (v.)  /əˈkjumjəˌleɪt/

[TRANSITIVE] to get more and more of something over a period of time

Over the years, I had accumulated hundreds of books.

a.[INTRANSITIVE] to increase in quantity over a period of time

Medical evidence for the benefits of the procedure has been accumulating.


Waning (v.)  /weɪn/

1.if a feeling or power wanes, it becomes weaker or less important

His enthusiasm was waning fast.

2.if the moon is waning, you see less and less of it each night


Senatorial(a.) /ˌsenəˈtɔːriəl/

relating to the work of a senator


Exert(v.) /ɪɡˈzɜrt/

1.      to use influence, authority, or power in order to affect or achieve something

*exert influence/pressure/control: A well-funded national organization would be able to exert more influence in Congress.

the inadequate degree of control exerted by some parents over their children

2.      to put force or physical pressure on something

The gate had exerted considerable pressure on the flimsy post.


De facto(A.) /di ˈfæktoʊ/

1.      actual, even though not official

English is the de facto language of the computer industry.

2.      AUSTRALIAN a de facto relationship is between two people who are officially recognized as partners without being legally married to each other


Demise(n.) /dɪˈmaɪz/

1.      the time when something stops existing

the demise of the typewriter in this computer age

2.      the death of a person

the senator’s untimely demise


Masked(a.) /mæskt/

wearing a mask

a masked gunman


Imperial(a.) /ɪmˈpɪriəl/

1.      relating to an empire (=the rule of one country over several other countries)

*imperial power/expansion/domination

Britain’s imperial past

a.relating to an emperor or empress who is the ruler of an empire

*the imperial family/court

an imperial decree

2.      MATH relating to a system of measurement in which weight is measured in pounds, length is measured in feet, and volume is measured in pints



Gulf(n.) /ɡʌlf/

1.      a large area of ocean that is almost surrounded by land

the Persian Gulf

the warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand

2.      a large and important difference between people or groups

trying to close the widening gulf between the rich and the poor

3.      a long thin deep crack or hole in the ground


Strained(a.) /streɪnd/

1.      not relaxed or friendly

Relations between the two countries are strained.

*a strained atmosphere/silence

2. not natural and produced with some effort

Zoe felt horribly anxious but managed to force a strained smile.

2.      put through a strainer to remove any lumps

strained yogurt


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